Your Questions Answered


Q:  What are the main purposes of SITA?

A:  SITA has four main purposes:

  1. To defend the interests of interpreters and translators
  2. To promote high standards of quality
  3. To raise the profile of the interpreting and translation profession
  4. To organise social and networking events so that SITA members and others within the industry have the opportunity to interact with eachother



Q:  Is SITA only for qualified interpreters? 

A:  No, SITA defends the rights of all interpreters and translators both qualified and unqualified. 

SITA is an inclusive association. SITA believes that all interpreters and translators deserve, for instance, fair working conditions.

Non-qualified linguists can join SITA at Student Level, and then receive the right guidance and training on how to provide a professional, quality service to their clients. They will be assisted by qualified SITA members and encouraged to take on relevant qualifications.

SITA believes that certain jobs, such as Court Interpreting, should only be undertaken by interpreters who have the right language skills and have received some basic preparation on how to interpret within the Scottish Courts. For this purpose SITA is already preparing a Foundation Course on interpreting within the Scottish Courts System. This course will be run by qualified interpreters. It will not be a replacement for the DPSI, but a complementary and very useful course designed specially for Scotland.

Q:  Is SITA a Trade Union?

A: No, SITA is a Professional Association.

However, SITA is happy to organise a meeting between SITA members and trade union representatives for anyone who wishes to join a Trade Union.  SITA Members will be able to ask questions directly to a trade union about their rights and also about the legality of any actions they have in mind, such as to organise themselves and refuse to work collectively if they think their pay and working conditions are unfair.

More questions will be added to this page in due course.  In the meantime please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have!




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